Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Delivering Safe, Effective Therapeutics: IIR’s Immunogenicity and Bioassays Conferences

Two events, one goal.

Bring safe and effective therapeutics to the patient faster with IIR’s Immunogenicity and Bioassays conferences. 

The complexity of developing effective biologic therapeutics require adequate analytical methodology to characterize both their physicochemical properties and biological activity. Reducing the risk of triggering unwanted immune responses must be considered early on in drug development. The events focus on the current practice of comprehensive characterization of biotherapeutics from their discovery through all stages of their development.

IIR invites you to join us October 20-22, 2014 in Boston, MA for two co-located events: 15th Annual Immunogenicity for Biotherapeutics and 10th Annual Bioassays and Bioanalytical Method Development.

Download the brochure to find out how to register for one or both events and see for yourself why these are two can't miss events.

Now, you can save $100 on the current rate for each event. Register here with code XP1938BLOG for the Immunogenicity for Biotherapeutics conference.  Register here with code XP1969BLOG for the Bioassays and Bioanalytical Method Development conference. 

Questions? Comments? Reach out at

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